Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Online Tutoring is Education Reform

Hi All,

I thank all of you for your feed backs and  positive motivation to write more blogs on ONLINE TUTORING. I would like to elaborate more on facts of online tutoring.

Below is the charts that show how much government of following countries spend on Secondary Eduction (per student)


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Education at a Glance, 2004.
This graph shows that on secondary education (per student) the United States spends more than 17 other nations.
Federal funding of education in USA has increased from 42.2 billion dollars in 2001 to 54.4 billion dollars in 2007. 

Federal Funding for Education

Issue Brief and Resources

National School Board Association primarily advocates for increases to two federal programs that are the largest sources of federal funding to school districts and also operate as mandates:

  • Title I grants: The main source of federal funding for the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act
  • IDEA grants: Special education funding under the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Federal funding for elementary and secondary education programs has remained nearly flat from FY2005 to FY2007 because of a shift in budget priorities and a perpetual gridlock of recent Congressional appropriations processes.


Under President George W. Bush, the Department primarily focused on elementary and secondary education, expanding its reach through the "No Child Left Behind" law.

NCLB supports standards-based education reform, which is based on the belief that setting high standards and establishing measurable goals can improve individual outcomes in education. The Act requires states to develop assessments in basic skills to be given to all students in certain grades, if those states are to receive federal funding for schools. The Act does not assert a national achievement standard; standards are set by each individual state.

I wish best luck to the Indian students to get the benefit of online tutoring soon.

Happy Tutoring!!!
Online tutor

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Online tutoring is Win Win Win Concept

Thanks for your feedback dear students...
We have heard Win Win Concept till now, but i call Online Tutoring WIN WIN WIN Concept for students, parents and tutors. 

Why Students K-12 Enjoy e-learning

·         Live and interactive whiteboard where study become fun.
·         Easy to join white board having many tools.
·         Passionate, Highly Qualified tutors with Excellent English Communication.
·         Customized Online Learning Program.
·         Tutors are available at your convenient date & time.
·         Learn from the comfort of your home and free up driving time to lessons.
·         Student get tutor of his choice for all sessions.

Why Parents choose Online Tutoring

·         Safe and secure website following International standards.
·         Unlimited sessions for affordable prices.
·         Customize Pricing Plan According to their convenience.
·         Parents get Progress report and Assignment Reviews every week and can speak 
        to the tutor about student’s performance
·         Simple technology which can be handled by parents and kids.
·         Availability of recording of each session makes it easier for students tutor and parents to review mistakes.
·         Monitor live session while your kid is studying
·         I aim at building concepts from basic to competitive exams level.
Why Tutors choose Online Tutoring
·        We can teach from the comfort of our home.
·        We can Review recording of each session and understand student’s way of learning, find places of ineffective tutoring and improving it and judge ourselves.
·        If a tutor is Passionate to teach and want to help the child with their difficulties, he/ she will definitely try to improve tutoring in each session.
·        It’s the only concept where a tutor can interact with students across countries and can know the actual level of student of particular grade. We can adopt good qualities from all students and learn different concepts on the same topic.


B.E (CS) MBA (e-com)

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Online Tutoring Experience

Hi All,

This write up is for the tutors who are passionate for teaching and helping students across the globe and for the students who hesitate to learn online.

Teaching in a classroom and online are very different experiences and I have found both of them interesting in different ways.

While tutoring at home, its nothing new, the same years old traditional classroom and a tutor (me), the ambiance is quite serious. Though I try to make it interactive and fun way to learn Overcoming Math Anxiety but it is quite formal. While tutoring online involves digital whiteboard may be Wiziq, Twiddla, Elluminate, or others which are colorful and has many tools, using those tools we can teach, and students can learn effectively. Moreover the voice chat makes its much interactive. Students and tutors are comfortable at their own houses and e-Learning makes it informal way of Learning.
Initially, it took me time to understand whether a student is listening to what I am tutoring, or he is busy chatting with friends, the student is really understanding what I am teaching or he/she is just saying "yes", but now after years of experience i can feel the confidence in their voice and judge if they are really getting the concept or not.
Interacting with students round the globe and helping them with their difficulties made me achieve my personal goals.
I have helped my students in math, science & computer science, in their school projects and assignments and found them quite satisfied. This makes me realize that teaching at home or online are both equally interesting but are completely different ways to reach your students.
Initially, its difficult to gain concentration of your student but after few sessions, you understand your student and you know how to deal with every student differently.
So those tutors who are passionate for teaching should try online tutoring and students who hesitate to get help online should try once and then, decide if e-learning is as effective as classroom tutoring or not.

Dedicated to:
"Abha chaitanya women welfare society"

B.E (CS) MBA (e-com)